Champs K9 Training

Untitled Document


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The main complain dog owners have during their walks Many dog owners become frustrated while walking their dogs because many people allow their kids or their dogs as well as themselves rush to see the dog that is being walked. People don't do this purposely, but owners that are trying to walk or train their dogs are always being disturbed. Executive Dog Training Inc. has come up with a solution; it will be done with a visual bright construction orange slip on webbing over the leash. This slip on will be very visible and will be at the bottom part of the leash. This will bring visually awareness to the public to leave the dog alone or better yet not to disturb the dog. We urge everyone to please respect and not rush or disturb the dog, or ask first. This product is free of charge to clients of Executive Dog Training. The public for their own dogs can purchase it also.

The D.N.D can be presently purchased from Champion K9 Training
(Presently they are made for any type of 3/4" leashes)

If you are interested to buy or carry this product please give us a call 514-715-5639

Price: $3.00
Leash is not included; Only the Orange Slip On





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Joey Bacci & Champion K9 Training have taken great measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this site; however, neither can be held responsible for errors.
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